Sunday, May 27, 2018

Beirut Restaurant - Doha, Qatar

Beirut Restaurant –Al Jazira Street, Fereej Bin Mahmoud, Doha

Cuisine: Middle Eastern

All reviews will be based on the Cuisine and Fare the restaurant/outlet is known for / specialised in.

This review is based on inputs from myself as well as fellow foodies who have accompanied me to this restaurant. 

The fact that Beirut Restaurant serve the most simplest and the true legends of Middle Eastern (Egyptian/ Syrian/ Lebanese et al) Fare topped with my love for these dishes make it a my all-time “comfort-food” haven in Doha

ALL RATING ARE IN THE SCALE OF 5. A rating of 5 mean Excellent while 1 is Poor.


Item 1 –Hummus
For the newbie to Middle Eastern fare, Hummus is Levantine dip or paste made from cooked & mashed chickpeas that is blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic.

Hummus is a staple diet of the Middle Eastern but then this staple diet has been “revolutionised” to such an extent that the new-age foodie has lost the taste of the real hummus.

Beirut seems to have frozen their hummus recipe in time and never made any changes to it. The hummus is just good old chickpeas and tahini paste drizzled with olive oil.

Nothing Fancy but so very original and homely. Love it!

By the way the Hummus with Meat is also a good option!

Hummus with Meat

Item 2 –Foul (Fu-ol)
If you are a Newbie to the Middle East, then Foul is a dish of cooked fava beans served with vegetable oil, cumin, and optionally with chopped parsley, garlic, onion, lemon juice, chili pepper and other vegetable, herb and spice ingredients.

Beirut is no fool when it comes to serving Foul. They serve you happiness in a small bowl. And again like the Hummus, the Foul is not at all fancy but so very original and homely. Yum!


Item 3 –Falafel
If you are still a newbie to Middle East, just head to Beirut and order the Falafel. I rest my case.

Falafel is one of those fried items of love that no Arab / Arab Resident can refuse. Beirut is one of those places where the Falafel never fails to impress.


Item 4 – Pies
Well, I never knew they had pies until recently when I saw the Menu.

The pies were very basic and not much to talk about. I guess that is why they stay mainly on the menu and not on the customer’s table!

Item 5 – The bread

Nowadays, most Arabic restaurants serve their own in house Bread / Pita but alas! Beirut doesn’t. This is a big letdown as the bread they serve is just the typical grocery store read-to-eat pita packs!

Item 6 – How to eat like true Beirut Loyal

  • ·         Order 4-6 Pieces of Falafel;
  • ·         One Plate of Foul
  • ·         Ask for the Green Chilies (this is an on the table condiment)
  • ·         Crush 2-3 Falafels into the Foul
  • ·         Mix well with a good helping of Olive Oil
  • ·         Add the Green Chilies for heat (OPTIONAL)
  • ·         Dip or scoop the mix with the Pita Bread
  • ·         Eat!

PS: I suggest you order a Hummus plate and take a spoon of it as you eat the pita scoop of the Foul and Falafel mix


Like I said, this place is Frozen in time. Hence the Waiters are not the new age fast servers, greeters and with minimal conversation but then they do have an electronic tab to take orders!


A Doha dweller can never miss this place. Parking can be a hassle but then all restaurants located on main/ important roads of Qatar have this problem.

PRICING: 4.5 out of 5 (5 means cheapest while 1 means expensive)

I rate this place 4.5 (Monopoly money is more expensive out here)

In an age where the food entrepreneurs and restaurants are charging exotic rates for “rustic” / “homely” / “feel-good” food, Beirut seems to have stay true to their roots. They keep it old school style and again Time has been frozen.

A plate of Foul, 4 Falafels , Water and Tea come to around QAR 15!


This has a feel of the good old coffee shops / diners that is famous for the food and the rest of the elements of the restaurant /diner is nonexistent.

Romantic Dinners / A quiet meal / Fine Dining are out of the question.


There is ample seating capacity but the rest of the place is blurred between the lines of a sloppy college canteen and a bus depot café.

Have been visiting Beirut for long time now but I never saw the Menu until my last visit (April 2018).

I am sure about 90% of the customers never even knew a menu existed such is the fame of this place.
Having said that, I suggest you opt for a take away or delivery option because the dine-in experience is only an option if you are ravishingly hungry.

Being old school and being Frozen in time does have its charms but then there are somethings that need to change with time. Especially when it comes to décor and cleanliness in the dining area, Beirut needs to do a complete revamp/ makeover.
Beirut Restaurant Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Turkish Central - Doha, Qatar

Turkish Central –Al Mirqab Al Jadeed Street, Al Nasr, Doha

Cuisine: Turkish, Middle Eastern, Arabian

All reviews will be based on the Cuisine and Fare the restaurant/outlet is known for / specialised in.

This review is based on inputs from myself as well as fellow foodies who have accompanied me to this restaurant. 

ALL RATING ARE IN THE SCALE OF 5. A rating of 5 mean Excellent while 1 is Poor.


Item 1 – Salads / Appetizers - Mixed Appetizer
There lives a Mixed Appetizer platter in Turkish Central
A Colorful Platter of Cold Appetizers
All Time Legend for all Doha Food Lovers
The eyes are in for a Feast
The taste buds go on a Treat

Mixed Appetizer

Item 2 –Shawarma –Chicken: The shawarma here is one of the best in Doha but not the greatest. I am a plate shawarma fan but then the one served here is not the heavyweight of their menu

Item 3 – Pies / Fatayers – This is a hidden gem in this restaurant’s menu. Many among us ignore this little portion of the menu for our feast and treat is on the Grilled items. Nevertheless, you should try out their fatayers, especially the ones that have Labaneh, Zaatar or Meat.

Item 4 – Grilled Items – BBQ / Grilled Chicken

!!!!!All Hail Turkish Central!!!!
No matter how much of an expert you are in Grilled / BBQ chicken, the chef in Turkish Central is the ultimate expert. No matter what time or what day you visit this place, the Grilled chicken is out of this world!

BBQ / Grilled Chicken

Item 5 – Grilled Items – Meat Items

The Turks are good with their meat (mutton / lamb) delicacies especially when it comes to Kofta and Chops. Turkish Central does justice to that but then like their shawarma, they are one of the best in Doha but not the greatest.

Grilled Items - Meat & Chicken


They waiters are well versed in the menu and really efficient when it comes to ordering. The downside is the waiting time for an order. They seem to take ages but then as they say “it is worth the wait!”


It is in the famous al Nasr street (Fereej bin Nasr). A Doha dweller can never miss this place. Parking can be a hassle but then all restaurants located on main/ important roads of Qatar have this problem. Depending in what time you get there, the traffic density can be anything between to Dreaded Bumper to Bumper or Delicately Smooth.

PRICING: 4 out of 5 (5 means cheapest while 1 means expensive)

I rate this place 4 (Money is not a problem)

The generous portion size, good quantity and the wonderful taste should command a “reasonable sized” bill but Turkish Central is even generous in the prices and keeps our financial stress after a meal wonderfully light.


Do you enjoy being in a Jam Packed Wedding Party that is noisy but yet super fun. If yes, Turkish Central is the place to be. Be it a wild bunch of mates or a huge gossiping family gathering this place has all the feel of it.
Once you are in this place, all you wish to do is pull up a chair from anywhere, roll up your sleeves and just dig into the food!
Romantic Dinners / A quiet meal / Fine Dining are out of the question.


Well, they have a BIG HALL, Chairs and Tables. Décor is not what you are here for but I must say the place is clean for such a huge and busy place.


Turkish Central is one of the Bucket List when you are in Doha. A Foodie paradise. Such is the consistence and quality of their food that there is no soul (as per my Sources) in Doha who has ever declined a Turkish Central option for a meal.

Having said that, I believe they can up their ante in Décor and Seating, especially if they can segregate an area for exclusive family / majlis seating.

Turkey Central Restaurant Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Friday, February 2, 2018

Royal Istanbul - Doha - Qatar

Royal Istanbul – Near Family Food Center, Salwa Road – Doha, Qatar

Cuisine: Turkish, Middle Eastern, Arabian

All reviews will be based on the Cuisine and Fare the restaurant/outlet is known for / specialised in.

This review is based on inputs from myself as well as fellow foodies who have accompanied me to this restaurant.

Being a self-confessed Shawarma and Middle Eastern Grilled item expert, I am an easy bait for anything that says good Arabic food. I do get some bad experiences with these baits but the Royal Istanbul bait has been making me a happy foodie for nearly 5 years now!

ALL RATING ARE IN THE SCALE OF 5. A rating of 5 mean Excellent while 1 is Poor.


Item 1 – Salads / Appetizers - Mixed Appetizer – The best thing about Turkish cuisine restaurants in Doha is that they have something called the Mixed Appetizer that dishes you almost all the famous cold mezze goodies in one plate. It is not the greatest mixed appetizer plate I have had but Royal Istanbul does it well and the best part is you can mix match it at times.
Mixed Appetizer

Item 2 –Shawarma –Chicken: I just don’t know how they do it but Royal Istanbul and it’s shawarma are something to drool about in.  I am a plate shawarma fan and Royal Istanbul does give my taste buds a good run! Mind you the roll / sandwich version is also yum!

Shawarma - Chicken

PS : The fat rendering out from a shawarma makes all the difference as it keeps the meat moist and slurp!!

Item 3 – Grilled Items – Shish Taouk: If you are an Arabic grill expert, then you must have realised by now that a Shish Taouk is a default order in an Arabic restaurant.

For me it is more than that, I always believe the Shish Taouk define the expertise of the hotel. If you didn’t know, of all the grilled Kebab / meat on stick versions, the shish taouk meat is the thickest in terms of size. If the restaurant can make this item succulent, juicy most of all ensure all the marinate stick to the meat and is not charred, then you are sure to enjoy every grill item on the menu.

Royal Istanbul does a very nice job on this. Though I won’t say it is ROYAL! I would definitely say it is yum!

Shish Taouk

Item 4 – Grilled Items – BBQ / Grilled Chicken

This is supposedly the main star of Royal Istanbul though I wish it is the Shawarma. The main reason being, that the chicken is done well but I sometime feel the taste in the marinate on the chicken does vary from time to time.

BBQ / Grilled Chicken


No Qualms on Service. They waiters are well versed in the menu, though I must say they tend to entice you to order more than you can eat.  Which I feel is not a great idea for I am not huge fan of over ordering / wasting an order / food.


If you know Quality Hypermarket in Salwa Road, the you will find Royal Istanbul with ease.

There is good line of parking in the area but at peak hours you have to play a little bit of the waiting game.

If you don’t know Quality Hypermarket. Just drive down Salwa road and you will find it.

PRICING: 3 out of 5 (5 means cheapest while 1 means expensive)

I rate this place 3 (Affordable)

The price may be considered a little high compared to the other places that serve the same menu but then looking at the ambiance, seating space and location, I guess it is okay.


It is near to a fine dine / nice family dinner concept, which I must say is rarity among comfort food serving Turkish Restaurants. The seats are good and the place is nice


The décor is feel good and the seating capacity is huge! A full on extended family get tighter is a walk in the park on the first floor. Since they had put up such an effort in getting the restaurant into this shape, I would have loved if they had the Majlis / Ground seating arrangement as well.


Royal Istanbul has come a long way from that small restaurant tucked away in a little corner in West Bay area to an eye catching dining restaurant on Salwa Road. If given a choice, I would go back to the one in West Bay albeit without a car and worry for being cramped for space.

I feel the one in West bay dishes out more yumminess but the one is Salwa gives you an overall feel good factor especially when out for a dinner with family.

Royal Istanbul Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato